Independent bookstores continue to thrive in an age of online shopping and digital books

Mark Stueve, the owner of Old Erie Street Books, has been around before downtown exploded into what it is now. The store is one of the only stores where customers have to make an appointment and something in mind of what they're looking for.
Kaylyn Hlavaty216-795-9800
Kaylyn Hlavaty216-795-9800
Kaylyn Hlavaty216-795-9800
Kaylyn Hlavaty216-795-9800
Kaylyn HlavatyIn the background sit the original wall of books that was is a former showroom building.
Kaylyn Hlavaty216-795-9800
Kaylyn HlavatyThe store boasts over 100,000 books ranging from children's book, gardening, to Rustbelt specific authors.
Kaylyn Hlavaty