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Everything you need to know about the News 5 app

Posted 8:42 PM, Apr 25, 2019
and last updated 5:29 PM, Sep 13, 2023

So you've decided to download the News 5 app. Or maybe you're thinking about downloading the News 5 app. Here's what you should know.

How do I download the News 5 app?

Easy! Tap the appropriate link with your finger:

Android - Download for Android/Google devices here

Apple - Download for Apple/iOS devices here

Why should I download the News 5 app?

First and forecast, we are 100% committed to alerting our app users to news and information that will help protect the safety of Northeast Ohioans, including push alerts and livestreams for severe weather, up-to-date school closing listings, investigations into scammers and swindlers, recalled products, in-depth coverage of crime in our area, health trends, and much more.

We also make it a priority to follow through on the stories that matter to you.

And if the power goes out during severe weather, you still have a way to watch us.

Will I get all of your stories on the app?
Yes, you will. All of the stories that appear on the desktop and mobile versions of our site also appear on the app, which means you will never miss a single story about eye-catching invasive pests, dishonest fishermen, and controversial yard decorations.

How do people use the app?
Many people check the app first thing in the morning. Some check it repeatedly throughout the day. Others look at it during severe weather. How you spend time with the app is up to you. Take it on a hike through South Chagrin Reservation. Catch a show at Beachland Ballroom. Grab a glass of Pinot at Pier W. The options are limitless.

Should I opt in for the push alerts?
Yes, [Pause for dramatic music], yes you should.

Our Power of 5 Weather Team (which is the best in Northeast Ohio) will let you know when severe weather is heading your way. We've received enough thank you messages to know we've helped more than a few folks steer clear of danger.

What other types of push alerts do you send?
Unlike certain other local news entities that shall remain nameless (but we all know who they are), we are selective in what we push. If we're barging in on your phone, it better be worth it.

These are our general guidelines:

Breaking: Major story with wide impact, police alerts, unusual activity, public danger, continuing coverage of major cases, major breaking news event of national concern
Weather: Severe weather alerts, disruptive weather, live updates
Sports: Postseason scores, major accomplishments, serious injuries, big roster moves

Admittedly, we don't hit the mark every time, but we try, and we learn and adjust, and we get better, and that's all you can do in this life, right?

This is getting a little philosophical for the marketing of a TV station app, so let's move on.

How often is the weather updated on the app?
Our weather forecast is updated daily because this is Northeast Ohio, which has been known to experience several seasons in the span of a single Browns game. And our Power of 5 Weather Radar is updating constantly, so you can track the storms in real-time, just like Mark Johnson!

What about traffic?
We have a traffic map on the app where you can watch everyone in downtown Cleveland get on 90 West at the exact same time every workday.

Who should I contact if I have an issue with the app?
Go to the Settings feature on your app and select Contact Support. The folks there are really nice and will be glad to help you. Say hi to Cheryl for us.

I already forgot - again, how do I download your app?
That’s okay! Here are those links again:

