Birthplace: Coshocton, OH
Education: Kent State University – Bachelor’s Broadcast Journalism
Current Position/Job Duties: Multimedia Journalist / Reporter
Previous Work Experience: Cleveland 19 WOIO
Joined News 5: February 2014
Most Memorable Stories: Browns signing a one-day contract with a boy as part of a Make A Wish, Major Howard shooting and a local teen donating fair winnings to a friend fighting cancer
News Philosophy: See the news through viewers’ eyes
Role Model(s): My parents and older sister
Favorite Sports Team(s): Cavs
Favorite Music: Pretty much anything Top 40 and country
Favorite Movie: Titanic
Favorite Program: The Price is Right!
Favorite Book: The Great Gatsby
Favorite Foods: Anything Mexican!
Family: My parents, Dan and Lori, and my older sister Kayla
Pet(s): My adorable pup, Baylor
Hobbies & Interests: Hanging with friends and family, exploring new cities and
Something most people don't know about me: I'm a lover of Yahtzee
What I like best about Northeast Ohio: The Metroparks and living close to the lake
You're most likely to see me around town at: Barrio in Lakewood or the Metroparks