MoneyDon't Waste Your Money Team


Want free stuff? It only costs your personal data.

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CLEVELAND — From free scoops at ice cream shops to buy-one-get-one pizza deals, March is full of freebies — but before you cash in, experts warn those deals may come with a hidden cost.

Many companies offer deep discounts or free items this month, including a gas station which recently offered 40 cents off per gallon of gas.

However, customers often need to download an app and agree to its privacy policy to claim the deals.

Sheryl Harris with the Department of Consumer Affairs says that before you click “agree,” it’s important to understand what information you're giving up.

“Your phone has access to a lot of data,” Harris said. “The great thing to do is really take a step back and look at what kind of data this app is collecting from you and your phone.”

Harris says apps often ask for access to emails, calls, and information stored in other apps. Location data is one of the biggest targets, according to Matthew Scheff with the Federal Trade Commission.

“With a lot of these apps, what they’re really after is location data,” Scheff said. “The reason they want that is because they can sell it to marketers.”

Health data from fitness trackers, sleep patterns, and blood sugar readings can also be collected and shared.

Still, many users don’t take the time to read the privacy policies before agreeing.

“It’s too long. I usually just go all the way down and agree, and I just download it,” said Edel Galvez, who uses freebie apps.

To make the process easier, AI tools are available to help skim privacy policies.

By asking AI to search for words like “sell,” “sale,” or “collect,” and including a link to the app's privacy policy, users can quickly find out if their data is being sold or shared.

“What are you trading? What are you trading for 15% off or 10% off?” Harris said.

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