

City of Lakewood hopes to boost bike safety through safety classes


Do you know all the traffic laws for bicyclists on the roadway? After getting some complaints from drivers, the City of Lakewood wants to make sure both cyclists and drivers are educated about the actual rules.

Lakewood resident John Mumma said he has seen bicyclists run through red lights.

“They ride along the sidewalk, they come back out on the street, and then if the traffic is heavy, they'll go back out on the sidewalk, and they'll go back out on the street again,” he said.

The owner of Beat Cycles in Lakewood said some customers aren't always sure about the laws.

“I think there's a lot of misinformation out there about what cyclists are allowed to do, and how they're supposed to ride,” said Ryan Sheldon, Owner of Beat Cycles.

News 5 talked to Bike Lakewood about the rules.

“When the conditions are unsafe to stay on the right of the road and there's no bike lane present, we are allowed to sit in traffic, in front of you or the back of cars,” said Amanda Wolf, of Bike Lakewood.

Councilman Tom Bullock said cyclists are not supposed to be on the sidewalk, something News 5 witnessed several times on Thursday.

“If you've got an adult or teenager, zipping along the sidewalk next to shoppers or a senior citizen, that could be an unsafe condition too,” said Bullock.

More specifics on the laws will be outlined in the upcoming safety classes.

“We'll give them an understanding of what the laws actually are, what they can and cannot do,” said Wolf.

Councilman Bullock stressed that making Lakewood bike-friendly is a big part of the city's growth strategy, correlating quality of life, good talent and even economic growth to bike friendliness.

The first bike safety class will start on November 4th at the Lakewood Public Library, and then pick up in the spring. Here is a link to the first class.