

CLE stops delivery of ShopCLE circulars


Cleveland residents who have been complaining about the unwanted delivery of the ShopCLE circular to their driveways will soon get their wish.

The Plain Dealer and announced the last delivery of the circular will take place on Jan. 27, amid complaints by residents and emergency legislation passed by Cleveland city council.

Cleveland Councilman Matt Zone told that residents weren't happy about the advertisements left on their driveways and front porches for several weeks.

"The way they are distributing is they are literally just throwing them everywhere," said Zone. "They are just throwing them out and ultimately what it's doing is creating a mess. These things wind up everywhere."

Zone said his office made contact withe Plain Dealer several times, hoping he could get the deliveries stopped.

"I contacted the Plain Dealer, spoke with their operations manager," explained Zone. "My assistant was in constant communication with them. We were sending them emails about calls we were receiving."

Finally Zone said he drafted emergency legislation deeming the deliveries a violation of the city litter law, the measure passed unanimously on Dec. 5.

On Dec. 11 the Plain Dealer announced it would stop publication and delivery of ShopCLE, and issued the following statement to

"The Plain Dealer and have announced that the last issue of ShopCLE will be published and distributed on January 27, 2016.

Until then, delivery of the local news, information and shopping product will continue each Wednesday, via the USPS or carrier delivery to driveways. Questions about delivery can be directed to 1-888-440-4216."

Zone said residents in other northeast Ohio cities should fight the unwanted deliveries of newspaper circulars, but first they must get their complaints to their council members and city hall.

"You have other communities like Newburgh Heights, Cleveland Heights that have taken a stance against this," said Zone.

"I think the Plain Dealer saw when the City of Cleveland, the largest city in northeast Ohio, took a stance on it, I'm thankful that they saw that the way they were distributing it was wrong."


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