

Experts warn of cloth masks in fight against omicron variant

Medical-grade masks with several layers provided better protection

CLEVELAND — You may need to ditch your old face mask.

Health experts are warning if your mask is made of cloth, there’s most likely not enough protection against the Omicron COVID variant.

CNN reports cloth masks have 75% inward and outward leakage and cut down on the time it takes for you to get infected.

The saying goes, “the more efficient, the longer the protection.”

It's why analysts are saying we should be wearing medical-grade masks with several layers and breathable fabric like the KN95 and N95. The masks are believed to better prevent tiny particles from getting into your nose or mouth at 95 percent. As of now, it looks like supply is holding up compared to 2020.

The National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety has a list of approved N95 respirators. The CDC also offers information on masks as well. Clickhere to find more info on masks.

If you need a medical-grade mask, you can check out your local grocery store, fire station and other businesses.

Many of them offer masks for free.

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