PORT CLINTON — On Tuesday morning, hours after authorities searched a home near where Harley Dilly's family lives, state officials said the search for the missing 14-year-old has been called off. A vague statement from the Ohio Attorney General's Office sent to media this morning said the "child has been recovered." No other details were released.
Last night Port Clinton police, the coroner and BCI were on scene at a home near the Dilly family's residence. This photo was taken during the search by a photographer with the Toledo Blade.

On Tuesday at noon, police will hold a news conference regarding Harley Dilly.
Harley Dilly, 14, disappeared on Dec. 20. He was last seen walking to school.
What initially started as a search by local authorities soon drew the attention of state and federal agencies as multiple organizations joined in what became a nationwide search for the teen.
Since his disappearance, thousands of flyers have been distributed across the state and country. His case has been featured on "Good Morning America" and "LIVE PD."
Police and rescue teams searched 150 acres of land around Port Clinton.
RELATED: 'It appears to be accidental': Police say Harley Dilly was found in chimney of unoccupied home
More info about the search for the boy can be found here.
RELATED: A complete timeline of every day and event since Harley Dilly's disappearance