School's back in session for eighth graders at Kimpton Middle School and when they sit down for lessons this week, one student will be attending class, but she'll be doing it from the comforts of her own home.
“She’s such a learner, she was fighting everyday to get here,” said Sue Palchesko, Principal at the Middle School in Monroe Falls.
How exactly is she staying connected?
Through a special piece of technology, a robot, called VGo
With it, Eighth grader Leah Merriman gets around to her classes each day, communicating with her class through a video feed located on the top or face of the robot.
The tall, slender robot allows Merriman to listen to her teacher, take notes, ask questions and even interact with her classmates.
The school district decided to purchase the robot for her, after her 5 year battle with brain cancer became too severe doctor’s warned she needed to stay home.
Principal Palchesko said the VGo robot was a big investment for the district, but one that was well worth it.
“Not only does it provide inspiration for the young lady who is kind of using the robot, but also for all the students who see kind of what this district is willing to do for each and every individual student,” said Palchesko.
Today, marks only the second day of school for Merriman’s VGo robot. When it's time to switch classes, a student escort guides the robot through the halls, to the next one.