

Will this be the year millenials can finally move out of their parents' house?

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If you're 35 or younger and still trying to find your dream job, you're not alone.

Every generation has its struggles but a new study shows it's harder now for millennials than it was for their parents.

Andrea Ledesma has a four-year college degree but works 30 or so hours a week -- making pizzas.

"You think you are going to graduate and all these things are going to happen for you and when nothing happens you're like, 'What was this for? I just spent all this time and money, so much money," she said.

The 28-year-old is just like many surveyed in the recent study done by the advocacy group Young Invincibles, which confirms what many millennials suspected — they are worse off than their baby boomer parents.

"We know the Great Recession has had an impact on millennials. We also wanted to look at a decades-long trend in the economy and financial security to see what we were facing compared to what our parents saw at our age," said Jen Mishory, executive director of Young Invincibles.

Millennials are making less money. Those between the ages of 25 to 34 had a median household income of nearly $41,000 in 2013 — compared to nearly $51,000 for their parents in the 80s. Plus, fewer of them own property.

"Overall we've seen a decline in home ownership from the 1980s, young people in the 80s to today, by about 8 percent," said Mishory.

But that could soon be changing, economist Matthew Pointon tells Business Insider the economy is growing and President Trump has promised more economic stimulus.

That means young people who were living at home may finally be able to pack up and move out this year, giving someone like Ledesma some hope.

"The American dream now is we are just striving to be happy, just know what happiness is and making our lives fit us instead of making ourselves fit what's going on in the world I guess," she said.