

Fairview Park police report three burglaries in six days


Fairview Park police are reporting three burglaries in six days, and they are still looking for the burglars.

News 5 went out to the affected neighborhoods. All of the neighbors who spoke with News 5 knew about the burglaries. They said the incidents have put them on high alert.

“Making sure that our garages are closed, and night time, we have things put away, bikes and toys,” said Wendy Maloof.

Maloof said many neighbors, including herself, may have gotten a little too comfortable.

“Normally, we wouldn't be scared to maybe leave a door unlocked or go for a walk or shutting a window,” she said. "And unfortunately those are things we have to be more cautious of.”

The Valley Gorge, Bain Park and, most recently, West Valley neighborhoods have all been hit.

Fairview Park Police Chief Erich Upperman said pricey flat screen TV's, laptops and iPads were stolen in the first two homes, but the third home had security alarms that scared the burglars off.

"Three different methods of entry. One was a window pried, one was a door kicked, one was a door that was found unlocked,” he said.

In the most recent case, neighbors in West Valley reported suspicious activity right before the incident.

“A couple of people that were knocking on the door, they didn't really sound right when the resident talked to them,” said Chief Upperman. “So it possibly could've been the same people going up to make sure nobody was there.”

They also reported seeing an older model, green Honda Civic. Chief Upperman advised neighbors to trust their gut.

“If they come to your door and ask for directions, it could be a rouse. If you feel uncomfortable or don't believe what they're saying, or if you see their car hanging around, driving, all that doesn't seem to fit in the neighborhood, to give us a call," he said.

The police chief said neighbors should not approach any suspicious people, but instead take notes, write down their description and if they have a car, their license plate number.