

Lakewood Christmas delivery thefts on the rise


Lakewood Police report a spike in Christmas season delivery thefts, as crooks target unattended packages that are left on front porches.

Lakewood Police Captain Gary Stone told the bandits have hit homes on several streets over the past five days including Cook, Westlake, Cove, Ridgewood and Clifton Boulevards.

Police were able to arrest 26-year-old Whitley Walker of Lakewood in connection with some the thefts, but continue their search for at lest one more suspect.

Capt. Stone urged residents to retrieve packages off of porches as soon as possible.

"We've taken numerous reports, this has especially spiked this holiday season," said Stone.

"People need to be more cognizant of deliveries, when they're being made, when to expect a delivery, and track you packages."

Capt. Stone told some of the stolen Christmas deliveries were recovered when Walker was arrested.

Capt. Stone explained consumers should specify a delivery location that can't been seen from the street if at all possible.

"Have the delivery made to the rear of the home, or some place that can't be observed by someone with the intent on taking some packages," said Stone.  "This is a crime of opportunity."


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