Nearly three dozen birds in Portage County have tested positive for bird flu, according to the Ohio Department of Agriculture.
The agency's data shows that 29 birds tested positive on Feb. 28. The birds were classified as "backyard non-poultry" and were not part of a commercial farm. Specifically, the Portage County flock consisted of chickens, ducks and geese.
Last month, the state said a flock in Stark County tested positive.
To date in Ohio, there are 34 cases of backyard non-poultry cases in the state and more than 14 million commercial poultry.
Here's the breakdown of cases across the state:
2025 Statewide Situation
- Total number of affected premises: 71
- Total number of affected counties: 5
2025 Premises by County/Number of Flocks
- Auglaize: 2
- Darke: 21
- Mercer: 45
- Portage: 1
- Stark: 1
- Van Wert: 1
2025 Total Number of Birds Affected in Ohio
- Commercial: 14,636,622
- Backyard (Non-Poultry): 34
- Backyard (Poultry): 0
________________________2025 Total: 14,636,656
What to do if you see sick or dead birds:
- If you see sick or dead poultry that could be connected to bird flu, you should report it to the state.
- For backyard or hobby flocks, call the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) at 614-728-6220 or 888-456-3405 after hours.
- For commercial poultry flocks, contact Ohio Poultry Association (OPA) 614-882-6111.
- For sick or dead wild birds, call 1-800-WILDLIFE.