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4:30 PM: Cuyahoga County executive holding news conference regarding Cleveland Browns move to Brook Park

Cuyahoga County

This afternoon, Cuyahoga County Executive Chris Ronayne will hold a news conference to give remarks about the impending Cleveland Browns move from Downtown Cleveland to Brook Park.

The news conference is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. You can watch it live in the player below.

News 5 livestream event

This comes on the heels of the Cleveland Browns doubling down on the move out of Cleveland, ramping up their fight against the Modell Law, which was designed to make it harder for pro sports teams to pull up stakes.

On Tuesday, the Browns asked a federal court judge for permission to file an updated lawsuit against the city of Cleveland over the Modell law.

READ MORE: Cleveland Browns ramp up case against the Modell Law - and for a new Brook Park stadium - in federal court

The Browns are asking a federal judge to rule that the Modell law is unconstitutional - and that it doesn't apply to the Browns and their plan to move to a new suburban stadium in 2029 after their lease ends at city-owned Huntington Bank Field in Downtown Cleveland.

'You can't take the money and run': City of Cleveland sues the Browns over Modell law

RELATED:'You can't take the money and run.' City of Cleveland sues the Browns over Modell law

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