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Bayard Rustin LGBTQ+ Resource Center raises awareness for Juneteenth and pride

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Posted at 10:41 PM, Jun 19, 2024

AKRON, Ohio — At the Bayard Rustin LGBTQ+ Resource Center in Akron, organizers are putting a twist on their Juneteenth celebration by raising awareness, visibility and equity for all communities.

We call it Juneteenth Pride because this is June, the month of Pride and in the African American community, what better way to promote pride by adding it to Juneteenth,” said Steve Arrington, Executive Director of Bayard Rustin LGBTQ+ Resource Center.

While Juneteenth calls for a celebration of freedom, commemorating when slavery was abolished in the U.S., Steve Arrington says it’s important to remember the struggles that continue in all marginalized communities, especially for LGBTQ+ people.

“At these times and days, our freedom is being attacked,” said Arrington.

But Arrington is hopeful the center’s efforts to bring the community together as one will empower people to be resilient in their fight.

“If we don’t stand up for our democracy now, who else will stand up for it. What better time to sound off the alarm about freedom and what freedom means to us is on Juneteenth,” said Arrington.

This idea to sound off the alarm is a reason Scott Fullerton said he decided to partner with the resource center and use his reach as a podcast host.

“We have people trying to turn back our rights, so I thought this year we needed to be a little more outspoken; raise that visibility, so this year’s road trip is all about raising awareness and working with more underserved peoples,” said Left or Str8 Podcast Host and Producer, Scott Fullerton.

Fullerton’s 2500-mile cross-country trip, deemed ‘A Big Gay Road Trip,’ kicked off during the Bayard Rustin’s Juneteenth Pride Celebration, where he worked with Arrington to organize Wednesday’s event.

“We need to do the intersectionality of Juneteenth and pride and take all these things like Steve said and really bring them together; showcase we’re all really the same,” said Fullerton.

A message Keith Munnerlyn believes is important to emphasize as well.

We are all together because if you strip back the skin, we all bleed the same, we all breathe the same; there are no differences,” said Keith Munnerlyn.

Munnerlyn thanks organizers of Wednesday’s event for supporting local vendors and nonprofit organizations and giving men empowerment with a free haircut.

“It’s a dream come true because we’re celebrating. With everything that’s going on, we need to learn how to celebrate one another,” said Munnerlyn.

The resource center is open and available for everyone who is in need of support.

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