

Family of transgender woman found dead on Cleveland's west side desperate for answers

Shawn "Skye" Mockabee
and last updated

Phyllis Carlock can barely hold back her heart-wrenching sobs.

"I just want my baby back, I just want my baby back," she said through tears Wednesday afternoon.

Five days ago, Carlock's child was found dead in a parking lot near W. 130th. Police initially began a murder investigation but said they are now waiting on the medical examiner's office and toxicology reports before officially ruling it a homicide. Homicide detectives are working on the case.

26-year-old Shawn "Skye" Mockabee was a transgender woman -- transitioning from male to female four years ago.

"It could have been a jealousy thing, a hate thing, a 'just don't like him.' I couldn't even explain it, I couldn't explain it," Carlock said. "The way they beat him, they meant every punch, every whatever they hit him with, they meant every blow."

Carlock's last image of her child is when she went to identify the body -- bruised and beaten, and the family believes, possibly a target for being transgender.

"I feel like I'm not even safe in my own city," said Monica Linda Robertson, Skye's friend, relative and neighbor. Robertson is also a transgender woman. "I have to look behind my back everytime I walk."

Roberton shares a fear many in the community do -- with horryfing facts backing her up.

The homicide rate among transgender Americans hit an all-time high in 2015.

Cleveland Police are asking anyone with any information to call homicide detectives at 216-623-5464. 

A GoFundMe page was created for Mockabee's family to help pay for the unexpected funeral costs.