

Former CLE FD Chief pushes back new job


Former Cleveland Fire Chief Patrick Kelly will not take the reins as Olmsted Township Fire Chief until an investigation of the Cleveland Training Academy is resolved, he announced today.

Kelly recommended disciplinary charges for himself and two other members of his staff — who also oversee the academy — after a review of fire training records.

The City of Cleveland's Department of Public Safety Office of Integrity Control said that no criminal charges are merited after their investigation of the records.

The charge letter lists dozens of assessments, logs and signatures missing from the academy's records and alleges that Kelly ordered an employee to enter improper and inaccurate data into the academy's records.

Kelly released the following statement Tuesday:

To the citizens of Olmsted Township:

The current situation regarding me being "under investigation" by the City of Cleveland has put the Olmsted Township Board of Trustees in a unfair and compromising position.  At no time did I intend to bring dishonor or cause deception to the Trustees or the citizens of Olmsted Township. Therefore I will not assume command of the Olmsted Township Fire Department until this issue is resolved.

During my entire 33 year career in the Cleveland Fire Department, I have never been placed on any kind of charges. In this situation, I recommended placing myself on charges because if I am going to hold people accountable, I need to be held to a higher standard. 

I am honored to have been chosen to serve the Olmsted Township community as the Interim Fire Chief and am looking forward to getting to know you!

With Regards,

Chief Patrick Kelly

Kelly retired this month and was scheduled to be sworn in as fire chief in Olmsted Township on Sept. 26.