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Eastlake residents question mayor about his 2 full-time jobs

News 5 investigation sparked by anonymous letter
and last updated

EASTLAKE, Ohio — A shouting match erupted at a recent Eastlake City Council meeting. At issue: concerns about Mayor David Spotton working two full-time jobs.

For News 5 Investigators, it all started with an anonymous letter we received outlining concerns about Mayor Spotton. The author of the letter asked, “How many hours does he really spend at the city?”

As we visited with residents, not one we talked to knew the mayor is working two full-time jobs.

“Is it surprising to know that he’s doing two jobs?” we asked.

“Very,” replied Sharon Matty. She told us she lives in Eastlake and said the city wants the full focus of its top leader. “We’re expecting him to be our mayor,” said Matty. “The city has problems that need the mayor’s time.”

Former Mayor Dennis Morley died last year. The city’s charter states the City Council President “shall become mayor for the unexpired term.” Spotton was council president, and he took over in early January this year.

Eastlake Mayor Dennis Morley dies after short battle with cancer

The city’s charter also states the “mayor shall be a full-time mayor and shall not hold any other…private employment…” and the “elected mayor shall divest of any business within six months….”

Mayor Spotton works full time for the Lakeland Community College Police Department. School records show during the first several months of this year, Mayor Spotton took numerous police day-shifts with some hours during what would normally be considered business hours of the City of Eastlake.

Then in June, he switched to the overnight shift from 11 PM to 7 AM, which he currently works, and records show he is paid more than $70,000 a year for the Lakeland job.

“He’s violating the charter, clearly violating the charter,” said former Eastlake Mayor Ted Andraejewski. “People telling me and other people of Eastlake knowing, you can’t get a hold of (Spotton),” said Andraejewski. “Doesn’t return phone calls, doesn’t answer emails. You go to city hall, there’s nobody in his office. Where is he?”

Andraejewski even spoke up at a March city council meeting. “When is this all going to be straightened out?” he said while standing at the podium. “Just let the people of Eastlake know what’s going on.”

We asked Mayor Spotton for an on-camera interview. We were told he was not available before our deadline on this story.

He did speak up during the council meeting on August 27. “I’ve dedicated my life to service, helping others and doing the right thing. There’s no way I would do anything without the direction of lawyers and in this case the law director,” said Spotton.

Eastlake’s Law Director Randy Klammer said he’s done an analysis on the city’s charter, and because it says the “elected mayor shall divest…” then Spotton is free to have two full-time jobs because Spotton was appointed, not elected.

There were questions from council at that August 27 meeting. “He works all night and then comes in here, which our charter and the people of the city of Eastlake have said we want a full-time mayor because we deserve it,” said one member.

The argument rang loudly between the law director and a council person.

“I have residents who are going to look to me for answers,” said Klammer.

“No, I think… you’re confused about that. They’re looking to us for answers,” said the council person.

“If the mayor is getting his full-time salary, it’s because he’s doing a full-time job,” Klammer shouted.

In addition to his Lakeland job at $70,000+, Eastlake’s city records show Spotton is paid $60,000 for being mayor, and he’s also the city’s Safety Director for another $30,000. So, the Eastlake total is $90,000 a year.

During the meeting, Spotton said he keeps a tally of his mayoral hours, and it’s more than 40 per week.

Klammer has told News 5 there’s no official tracking of hours for the mayor’s position because a mayor’s schedule calls him to various events and duties beyond normal city office hours.

“I am continuing to give this city everything I have and make it the best place to work, play, and live,” said Spotton during the meeting.

“Do we have a mayor or do we not have a mayor?” asked Andraejewski during our interview. “Is he working full time? Is he working part time?”

For Matty, she had these words for Spotton. ”Don’t be the mayor if you want to have two jobs,” she said.

Mayor Spotton’s term won’t be up until the end of next year.

There’s another Eastlake City Council meeting tonight at 7.

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