

CLE police investigation airs tonight at 10


Road to Reform: Investigating the Failures & Uncovering the Solutions for the Cleveland Police Department airs tonight at 10 p.m. on WEWS-TV.

The year-long NewsChannel 5 investigation takes you beyond a U.S. Department of Justice report and reveals both key failures within the department and who is to blame.

Watch LIVE at 10 p.m.

The Department of Justice report, released one year ago, found a pattern and practice of excessive force within the department but failed to detail specific examples or hold individuals accountable.

To uncover the answers, the NewsChannel 5 Investigative Team spent the last year interviewing victims of excessive force, digging into police disciplinary records and reviewing police training programs.

Plus, we traveled to Memphis, Tennessee to speak with nationally recognized experts on CIT or Crisis Intervention Team training.

We also traveled to Durham, North Carolina to see first hand what a national model for crisis training looks like on the street.

And we went to Detroit—to discover how a similar Justice Department Review has changed that city.

Join us tonight at 10 p.m. for an in-depth look at Cleveland's Road to Reform.