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'It's very upsetting': Political signs defaced and stolen in Mayfield Heights neighborhood

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MAYFIELD HEIGHTS, Ohio — A Mayfield Heights neighborhood has been the target of political crimes and vandalism in recent weeks. Police are now upping patrols on Ashcroft Drive and nearby streets to find who's responsible.

Thomas DiFransico is voting in this presidential election with his family at the top of his mind.

“I am raising a family, I want that family to be safe and secure and have the best economic prospects available,” said DiFransico. “I feel the Harris Waltz ticket is the best way to do that.”

Last week, DiFransico felt compelled to make his political stance public on Ashcroft Drive.

“I have never put signs out before, I just felt especially passionate about this election, given what we feel are high stakes,” DiFransico added.

But Sunday morning, his neighbor sent him an alarming text saying his signs had been defaced.

“We immediately went outside and checked and we had two signs just like this and both sides, both signs were defaced,” said DiFransico.

A week prior, a Harris Walz sign was stolen from Jeff Likover's house a few doors down.

“It’s very upsetting, it’s just crazy,” Likover said. “It’s just a sign and we should have the right to put the sign out there and not have somebody take it.”

Removing or even slapping stickers on a candidate’s sign may seem harmless, but it is considered a crime.

Is tampering with a political campaign sign a crime?

RELATED: Is tampering with a political campaign sign a crime?

DiFransico and Likover reported the incidents to Mayfield Heights Police. Police Chief Anthony Mele sent News 5 a statement on both matters, saying in part:

“Our officers will continue to give this area special attention. If someone is caught committing this crime, they could face charges for property damage, theft, and criminal trespassing.”
Chief Anthony Mele

“It’s crazy, it’s one thing to steal a sign, and it’s another thing to deface the sign,” said Likover. “It's just not right; it’s not right at all.”

A Trump supporter, Nick DiLillo, who also lives in the neighborhood, said people just need to get out and vote on Nov. 5.

“We carry a Trump flag,” said DiLillo. “I don’t mind, whoever anybody wants to support, but why would you deface somebody's property? I know who I am going to vote for just vote, and whether it’s one side or the other side, don’t go on someone's property and spray paint. I thought it was terrible.”

DiFransico said the sign is going right back, where everyone can see it once it's fixed.

“I am just going to keep putting it out so that’s the truth of it,” DiFransico said.

Mayfield Heights police say patrol has been increased in the Ashcroft Drive area and that defacing political signs is illegal and results in criminal charges if caught. Mayfield Heights police are encouraging any residents to report suspicious activity. Anyone with information about these crimes is asked to call the police department at (440) 442-2323 and request to speak with one of our detectives.

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