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LIVE BLOG: President Trump taken to Walter Reed Medical Center after positive COVID-19 test

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What President Trump did Thursday before positive COVID-19 test
and last updated

CLEVELAND — Below is a live blog highlighting local and national coverage of the bombshell revelation that President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump tested positive for COVID-19 early Friday morning after his close adviser Hope Hicks tested positive Thursday night.

10:55 pm: President Donald Trump’s former adviser Kellyanne Conway said late Friday that she has tested positive for the coronavirus, days after attending a White House event with several others who have since come down with COVID-19. Read more here.

9:41 pm: In the six days that have followed President Trump's Supreme Court Justice nomination announcement at the White House Rose Garden, at least six known coronavirus cases have emerged from the event, including Trump. Read more here.

6:31 pm: President Trump Tweets a brief address to the nation before heading to Walter Reed Medical Center. Read more here.

5:30 pm: President Donald Trump is being transported to Walter Reed Hospital Friday afternoon after announcing he and First Lady Melania Trump tested positive for COVID-19 early Friday morning. He is being transported on Marine One from the White House. Read more here.

4:29 pm: News 5 Chief Investigator Ron Regan speaks to a local infectious disease specialist, who said it is likely President Trump contacted coronavirus on the day after the debate in Cleveland. Read more here.

4:07 pm: Ohio Governor Mike DeWine reveals during a news conference that he and his wife met an unmasked President Trump on Air Force One in Dayton during a rally last week. Read more here.

3:48 pm: News 5's Jonathan Walsh reports on alerts sent out by Case Western Reseve University and Cleveland Clinic advising staff, students and those in around the debate that testing is available. Read more here.

3 pm: The City of Cleveland reports that it is aware of 11 COVID-19 cases “stemming from pre-debate planning and set-up,” according to a news release from the city sent Friday afternoon. Read more here.

12:22 pm: Former Vice President Joe Biden confirms via tweet that he and his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, tested negative for COVID-19. Read more here.

11:46 am: The Cleveland Clinic, the organization responsible for health and safety procotols at Tuesday's debate in Cleveland, releases an initial statement:

“As health advisor to the Commission on Presidential Debates and the host site, we had several requirements to maintain a safe environment that align with CDC guidelines- including temperature checks, hand sanitizing, social distancing and masking. Most importantly, everyone permitted inside the debate hall tested negative for COVID-19 prior to entry. Individuals traveling with both candidates, including the candidates themselves, had been tested and tested negative by their respective campaigns.

Based on what we know about the virus and the safety measures we had in place, we believe there is low risk of exposure to our guests. Out of an abundance of caution we are reaching out to our guests to address any questions and concerns, as well as offering testing. We will continue to monitor the information being released by the White House.”

In spite of the Cleveland Clinic's requirement that masks be worn during the debate, members of the president's family and other supporters who attended the debate were not wearing masks.

Read more here.

10:15 am: The Associated Press releases a timeline of President Trump's activities this week before testing positive. View it here.

10:05 am: Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel tests positive for coronavirus. Read more here.

9:46 am: Administration officials confirm that President Trump is experiencing “mild” symptoms of COVID-19 and in good spirits. Read more here.

7:52 am: It is confirmed that Vice President Mike Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence tested negative for COVID-19, according to Pence’s press secretary. Read more here.

12:54 am: President Donald Trump confirms via a tweet that he and the First Lady tested positive for the novel coronavirus, hours after it was reported that his close advisor Hope Hicks tested positive Thursday.