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MetroHealth board fires CEO; second in two years


The MetroHealth Board of Trustees announced that CEO Dr. Airica Steed has been fired effective immediately Friday morning.

The Board of Trustees says a vote to terminate Steed was made after disagreeing about the priorities and performance standards needed from the CEO position to fulfill the mission of MetroHealth.

“We believe Dr. Steed’s performance is not meeting the needs of MetroHealth. As a result, we have lost confidence in her ability to lead the organization going forward and believe it would not be in the best interest of the System for her to continue in her position. Therefore, we are exercising our right to terminate her at-will contract," said E. Harry Walker, MD, chair of the Board of Trustees.

Steed was hired as MetroHealth CEO in 2022.

Meet MetroHealth's new CEO Dr. Airica Steed

RELATED: Meet MetroHealth's new CEO Dr. Airica Steed

MetroHealth wished Steed well in her future endeavors and emphasized how important MetroHealth's role in Cleveland and Cuyahoga County is.

Steed is the second president and CEO to be fired from the position in the past two years.

The previous president and CEO, Akram Boutros, was fired in 2022 after authorizing more than $1.9 million in supplement bonuses to himself between 2018 and 2022.

President and CEO Akram Boutros was fired in 2022.

MetroHealth board fires CEO, alleging he paid $1.9 million in bonuses to himself

RELATED: MetroHealth board fires CEO, alleging he authorized $1.9 million in bonuses to himself

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