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No serious injuries in Lakewood crash involving 2 toddlers in bike carrier; city adding safety measures

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On Monday morning, two toddlers were struck by a vehicle at Madison Avenue and Hilliard Road in Lakewood. News 5 has since learned they were not seriously injured.

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The City of Lakewood sent a statement on Tuesday saying there were no serious injuries in the crash. A 1-year-old and a 3-year-old were in a child carrier attached to a bike when a car struck them while in the intersection, the city said. The adult bicycle rider was not injured.

The driver was cited for failure to yield right of way, according to the city.

The crash happened at the same spot where former Cleveland 19 reporter Bill Safos was struck and killed by a vehicle in December.

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According to Lakewood Police, Safos was walking near the intersection of Madison Avenue and Orchard Grove, just a few dozen feet from Hilliard Road, on Dec. 11, when a "reckless" driver hit him.

On social media on Monday, commenters were outraged that nothing had been done at this intersection to prevent another crash.

Lakewood now says it now plans to mark the four crosswalks that span Madison Avenue and Hilliard Road with high-visibility striping, and green paint will be placed in the bike lanes as they approach the intersection.

"The City is also in the process of retaining an outside engineering firm to advise on additional safety measures," the city said in its statement. "This firm will work with the Lakewood City Engineer and our safety forces to ensure that proposed measures improve safety and do not give rise to unanticipated risk."

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