

Lakewood leaders to explain hospital deal


Lakewood city leaders are working to answer questions from the public about the recently reached deal between city council, Lakewood Hospital and the Cleveland Clinic. 

The proposal, announced last week, calls for the hospital to become an outpatient center with a 24-hours-a-day, 365-days-a-year emergency room.

READ the master agreement here.

"If you read the document closely and thoroughly, you will understand why Council decided to vote on it before the end of the year,” says Council President Mary Louise Madigan. “There is a clear imperative to act quickly before there is any further deterioration of City assets. Urgency is also required to maintain 24/7/365 emergency medical services in our community. We must put an end to the divisiveness that has plagued Lakewood during the past year. We must begin 2016 with a deal that allows this City to heal, move forward, and truly become a healthier place for people to live.”

City Council members promise to answer more questions at the city council meeting Monday from 6 to 8 p.m.

Council is expected to vote on the proposal Dec. 21.