

Newburgh Heights warns resident of suspects luring elderly


The police department said it is investigating a case involving suspicious individuals who lured their way into the home of an elderly couple. 

The suspects disguised themselves as acquaintances of the family, authorities reported, and were able to convince the couple to allow them into their home. 

Officials said the suspects were described as two dark skinned women, one in her early 20's and the other in her 50's. The latter was described as being heavy set and wore a balck hat.

Police were told the two women were convincing and remained in the couple's home for about 40 minutes before leaving. It didn't appear that anything was missing from the home, but it does draw concern. 

The women asked questions about other residents and asked about other homeowners, authorities reported. All residents were urged to contact police if they encountered any suspicious activity. 

"With the Republican National Convention coming to town this does not mean all of the resources of law enforcement will be dedicated to this. Rather, law enforcement will remain diligent about their normal crime prevention duties, patrolling and enforcing the law. Residents should not hesitate to call the police because they are worried officers may be busy with other important calls," the police department said.