

Website helps map out neighborhood crime details


Track crime near your neighborhood at the touch of a button.

New technology made it possible through a website called "RAIDS Online." 

Enter the name of a city and every crime reported in that area shows up on the map. That way, you can tell exactly where crimes happened and when. 

Detective Orlando Colon of the Lorain Police Department told they started using the site a couple weeks ago and it's already making a difference.

"We get calls all the time about people asking, I saw cops at this house. Tell me what happened. Or people wanting to know, what's the crime like in this neighborhood I want to buy a house there. This allows them to find out for themselves," Colon said.

The site is free for police departments and the public. 

Right now, you can find Lorain, Westlake, and Medina's police information on the crime maps. 

To test out the website yourself, visit