MEDINA, Ohio — A group of local women used their time and talents to create fidget quilts —blankets which have interactive elements that help ease stress and anxiety for people with developmental disabilities— to the Medina County Board of Developmental Disabilities (MCBDD.)
Members of the Fidget Quilt Circle of LifeSpring Community Church delivered 18 quilts to MCBDD to be given to children who are involved in the Early Intervention, Windfall Preschool and Windfall School programs.
Fidget quilts, typically 18 inches by 20 inches, contain interactive materials such as zippers, Velcro flaps, ribbons, buttons, snaps and small toys with different textures that are sewn directly into the fabric. The items on the quilts provide activities and soothing interaction for people with and without disabilities.
Originally, fidget quilts were developed to sooth seniors with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. The quilts allow people to occupy their hands during stressful times and frustration.