CLEVELAND — Renee Jones started a center to help victims of human trafficking nearly 20 years ago.
After 20 years, the Renee Jones Empowerment Center has a bigger and better space.
The organization moved to a new location on West 25th Street which has 4,000 square foot of space.
Because of the bigger space, the organization added more programs.
There are GED classes, more therapy programs, legal advice and medical services all under one roof.
“Everywhere they go they have to tell their story all over again. It’s traumatic, now everything is in one place and we know the story,” said Renee Jones, President & CEO of the Renee Jones Empowerment Center.
For more than a year, medical student volunteers have done basic health assessments during outreach street events. Now, there is a place in the new building for medical students to help victims when they walk through the door.
“Blood pressure screenings, we talked to some survivors, they think pregnancy tests would be useful also STD screenings, “said CWRU Medical Student, Alexis Davis.
The Renee Jones Empowerment Center is now located at 3764 West 25th Street in Cleveland
An outreach is scheduled to take place outside of the center on September 20th at 5 p.m.