Seven Hills citizens group leader Tom Jaros believes former councilwoman Caryl Lecznar should face a felony charge after the Ohio Ethics Commission hit her with a violation.
Lecznar issued the violation after she approved a $1,950 raise for her husband, who is member of the Seven Hills Fire Department.
Lecznar paid the money back according to an ethics commission settlement agreement, but Jaros and some members of Seven Hills City Council believe Lecznar could be in line to receive a fourth-degree felony charge under the Ohio Revised Code.
"Don't come to Seven Hills and steal from taxpayers, we're not stupid," said Jaros. "This is wrong at every level; it's just wrong. It's not about the money. It's about betraying taxpayer trust."
Seven Hills Councilman Tim Fraundorf said the ethics commission ruling is just one in a long line of issues faced by his city over the past several years.
Issues which include lawsuits and plenty of political in-fighting.
Fraundorf is proposing an ordinance which would approve the Ohio Ethics Commission findings and close the book on the case, even though he admits Lecznar still owes $200.
"Let's just put that behind us, it's time to move on," said Fraundorf. "The city needs to change and this is a good first step."
"This 'business as usual, old guard, do whatever you want to do' philosophy has to stop."
News 5 tried to reach Lecznar by telephone and email for this story, but so far we have not been given a response.
Meanwhile Jaros believes a felony charge should be filed against Lecznar, and everyone who voted in favor of her husband's raise should be held accountable.
"This was taxpayer money, it's not up to these guys to forgive anything," said Jaros. "It's our money and she ought to pay everything and there ought to be criminal implications."