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Some Brooklyn residents on edge after pride flags stolen from homes

Neighbors say they will not be discouraged but want to see more from Brooklyn leaders
pride plag.png
Posted at 10:29 PM, Jun 27, 2024

BROOKLYN, Ohio — Several Brooklyn residents said they’re fed up after their pride flags have been stolen multiple times from their homes.

“It’s not just a pride flag but the meaning behind it,” said Tyler, a Brooklyn resident, who showed News 5 ring video where it reveals thieves recently taking his pride flags from his property.

“It’s really unfortunate they think that it’s okay to do that to people,” said Tyler.

Because Tyler is concerned for his safety, he does not feel comfortable sharing his last name.

But he told News 5 he wants his voice to be heard after getting his pride flags stolen three times in the last week and during Pride Month

“It sends a message they don’t necessarily want us in the community, or they don’t approve,” said Tyler.

Brooklyn resident Dr. Darrell Carroll said he felt his privacy was violated after crooks allegedly stole his pride flags twice.

“To me, it’s very bothersome to think that we’re taking steps backward instead of forward,” said Carroll.

But neighbors said they will not be discouraged.

“We’re just going to keep on putting flags up. They’re not going to stop us,” said Dr. Bill, a licensed psychologist living in Brooklyn.

All three homeowners said they want to see an action plan from Brooklyn leaders to stop this from happening, so we followed up with Mayor Ron Van Kirk during a community meeting at Brock Memorial Park, and he said the police department is aware of this issue.

Van Kirk also said detectives are following up on several leads where they have obtained neighborhood video to catch those vandals.

“We take all crime in Brooklyn very, very seriously. Our police officers are some of the finest in the county and so I’m very confident they’ll find who’s perpetrating this, and they’ll be brought to justice very quickly,” said Van Kirk.

The community encouraged more education on the importance of these flags.

“The problem is there, and we’ll get it. I think the good guys are going to win,” said Carroll.

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