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Dozens of South Euclid residents reportedly owe $54k in total for city lawn care services

Grass in South Euclid
and last updated

SOUTH EUCLID, Ohio — The City of South Euclid has listed dozens of addresses as owing $54,658.18 for lawn care maintenance, but some of those homeowners on that list claim they never received such a service from the city and now want answers.

In the City of South Euclid's City Council meeting agenda from July 22, an ordinance "assessing unpaid costs of nuisance abatement (high grass, weeds, etc)" is listed.

"There's a 72-hour notice we give any owners out of compliance with 6 inches or more [of high grass]. After 72 hours, if it's not cut, we send out our private contractor to cut the grass," stated City of South Euclid Housing Manager TJ Murray.

For each time the city has to step in, it costs $60.

Not paying over time though, interest will accrue.

One South Euclid address is listed as owing as much as $1,012.32. That address is home to Warnsley Betts.

"I have not received a notice. That's a lie," said Betts. "I maintain our grass once a week. It's either on a Thursday or a Friday. Since I suffered a heart attack and a stroke, I'm not able to maintain it myself so I pay someone to maintain my grass."

Betts said the lawn care specialist he hired also takes care of many of his neighbors.

"He does a wonderful job, so I don't know what the City of South Euclid is talking about," said Betts. "They need to stop telling lies."

Betts claims neither his wife nor has he seen a city employee tend to his yard or had a city employee knock on his door about his property.

News 5 knocked on a handful of doors after speaking with Betts to see if anyone else may be in the same boat of confusion as him.

Matthew McAllister lives a few streets over. His address was also on the city's list for owing money for lawn care service.

"[The City of South Euclid] put something on my front door [about a month ago] because my weeds were a little bit too long and they said I had 72 hours to take care of it," said McAllister.

He said $60 for taking care of the front yard and backyard is a fair price, but he'd rather take care of the problem on his own.

McAllister told News 5 that he trimmed his property's weeds within 24 hours and assumed the situation was taken care of because he didn't hear from South Euclid after that.

He said he only found out he was reportedly in debt to the city after hearing from News 5.

"I'm still surprised. I took care of it within 24 hours. They didn't come out or anything. I did it myself," said McAllister. "I don't think it's fair because I did take care of it in the timeframe they gave me."

Murray said there are a few options on when those listed as owing money for lawn care services can pay.

"[It] can be paid at the quarterly time, half a year, or at the end of the year," stated Murray.

Both McAllister and Betts want answers before stroking a check, though.

New 5 followed up with the City of South Euclid on Thursday, but city hall had already closed for the day. We'll continue reaching out.

The City of South Euclid updated News 5 with the following Friday morning.

"It is my understanding that Mr. Betts rents the property and is not the owner. All abatements go to the owner of the property and not the renter. However, it is also my understanding that the tenant in his lease agreement is responsible for maintaining the landscaping and the city not only had to cut the lawn, but also abate the overgrown bushes on his property. There appears to be a dispute between the renter and the landlord as to who is responsible for the maintenance of the property and paying for the subject abatement," stated the City of South Euclid Director of Community Services and Development, Keith Ari Benjamin.

The City of South Euclid attached photos showing overgrown grass along the front of Betts's home as well as in the driveway. The photos were dated from June 2023. But Betts told News 5 he has only lived at his current residence for less than a year.

The City of South Euclid sent News 5 reports for McAllister's address.

McAllister has been cited numerous times for tall grass and weeds. The most recent is from August 2023, according to city documentation.

To find out if your address is on the City of South Euclid's radar for owing money for lawn care services, CLICK HERE. The link shows a variety of agendas for 2024. Click on the agenda with a July 22 date, and the list of addresses will begin on page 15.

One South Euclid, a nonprofit community development corporation in South Euclid, offers a Senior Landscaping grant program to help the city's senior residents age in place. Seniors who are interested in applying for a grant must do so in January each year. To be eligible for the program, the applicant must:

  • Be age 65 or older;
  • No longer be able to regularly cut their grass and shovel snow or have someone available to do the work for them (such as a family member or neighbor);
  • Lack the financial means for such services

Seniors who are interested and eligible should call One South Euclid in January at 216-396-9392 to apply for a grant.
As in previous years, there may be more applicants than available funds. Therefore, it is possible that not every applicant will be awarded a grant.

If you have any questions regarding your lawn care bill through the City of South Euclid, City Hall can be reached at 216-381-0400.

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