AKRON, Ohio — There is a new opportunity to make your voice heard on the city level in Akron. Three members of the Akron Citizen's Police Oversight Board are vacating their positions, leaving three new openings on the board.
The Citizen's Police Oversight Board was formed in 2022 in the aftermath of the fatal police shooting of Jayland Walker.
The group works with the city and police department to deeply dive into Akron's policing practices from a holistic approach.
The group also helps to oversee and work with the Office of the Independent Police Auditor.
Boyd Kemp, Chair of the Citizen's Police Oversight Board, said after three years of work, the board feels like it's in a solid position to make a change in Akron.
"Many citizens have let us know that, man they wish we had more authority and hopefully as we continue to build out this process and build out our board that authority will come. But I also want to say we don't want to be reckless with that authority, either we want do what's in the best interest of the entire community."
The board comprises nine Akron residents and will soon seek three new folks to step into the role. Per the city's charter amendment, no more than two members can represent the same ward in the city. There are already two board members serving from Akron's Ward 7. Residents who live in Ward 7, the Firestone Park neighborhood, are not eligible for any of the open positions.
Kemp would like to see as many residents as possible put in an application.
"It's good to see a healthy amount of applicants because what that shows is that people are really concerned and care about the process of our city and what's going on in our city at this time, so that's a huge success and win for us all," said Kemp.
Anyone is encouraged to apply, but the board is looking for folks between 18 and 35 with background experience involving:
- Health services.
- Faith-based community work.
- Attorneys with criminal justice or civil rights experience.
- Affiliated with an organization representing the economically disadvantaged or underserved.
Currently, Kemp said the board is made up of a diverse group of folks who are gaining momentum.
"I think we bring a uniqueness to who we are to our board. There's some that are lawyers, there's some that are counselors, there's some that are educators there are some that are people of faith. I think the biggest requirement is that you want to do what's best for the city of Akron as whole," said Kemp.
Meetings occur every third Wednesday at 6 p.m. at City Council Chambers, which is located at 166 S. High Street.
Mayor Shammas Malik will appoint one of the new board members. The other two will be up for approval by City Council.
To apply,click here.
You can also email your application to citizenoversight@akronohio.gov . All applications are due by noon on March 10.