AKRON, Ohio — As students wrap up before the holidays, new Akron Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Michael Robinson unveiled his wishlist for the district’s future.
Robinson, who took over ahead of this school year, outlined his "Blueprint for Excellence," which calls for the most significant change coming to its youngest students.
Among the items of priority in this broad road map are new strategies to help improve math and reading for elementary students, increased emphasis on financial literacy, hands-on opportunities and a push for all-day Pre-K to replace half-day options.

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"For the next five years, we have to figure out that Pre-K," school board president Derrick Hall echoed. "If we’re really serious as a community about moving all of us forward, those that have have to be willing to invest so those who have less have more in ways of educational opportunities and that starts with Pre-K."
Hall added that if Pre-K can be overhauled and expanded, other issues that can occur later, such as students falling behind, could also be indirectly addressed.
"They enter third grade behind because more often then not, they didn’t get what they needed from a Pre-K standpoint," he said.
"It’s all about resources and spreading the resources around," Pat Shipe, Akron Education Association president, said. "I hope we can do it. I’m an early childhood educator and I think it's enormously beneficial for our preschool children to come and get a good start, but it's all about do we have the resources and will the community support that?"
Robinson challenged others to get on board with this road map so students and parents don't hit the road.
"If we do not serve our scholars, families and communities well, they will leave Akron and maybe even Ohio," he said. "In the 1800s, we led education, and now with this strategic plan, we can reclaim our position."
At its core, Robinson emphasized this plan is a guide for the future, can change, and some items may not be feasible.
One item not mentioned in detail during this announcement was school safety. Several parents expressed their concerns to News 5 after the announcement that safety should be the current top priority.
While Robinson didn't go into detail about it Monday, he spoke at length with News 5 on the issue earlier this year during his first sit-down interview after taking over as superintendent.
"It’s incumbent on us to change that trajectory so that we can have safe schools," he said during the September 2023 conversation.
In 2022, several Akron teachers spoke with News 5 about being assaulted by students in schools, and multiple videos surfaced of kids involved in violent fights.
"It's unfortunate," Robinson said. "It's not just an Akron problem; it's a world problem that violence is plaguing our schools."
Since then, APS has added new metal detectors at its high schools and moved older ones to its middle schools, comparing the student experience to going through security at the airport.
Note: While Robinson unveiled points of emphasis from his report, a copy of the full report was not provided to attendees. News 5 has confirmed that the full report is slated to be released after Monday night's school board meeting.