CLEVELAND — The car that hit a Cleveland apartment building last month, causing a deadly explosion, was reported stolen.

We don’t just report the initial story—we follow through to its conclusion. Read and watch our previous reporting on this story below and see more stories that we've followed through on here.
People in the car bailed after hitting a house next door back on Nov.19.
The next day, a woman’s body was found in the rubble.
It’s been nearly two weeks, and no one has been arrested in the case.
Police records show there was an aggravated robbery involving a man’s car being stolen that same Sunday night.
The report wasn’t filed until early the next morning.
There are images that can stick with you. For Calvin Speed, it’s what happened next door.
“I saw the explosion, heard screaming, yeah I saw the explosion,” Calvin Speed said.
Speed lives next to an apartment building that turned into a crime scene last month.
“Just sad — just sad,” Speed said.
His porch now has reinforcements after damage was done by the same Dodge Challenger that first hit the apartment building and ruptured a gas line.
“It was Sunday football game I was up watching the game and I heard a crash,” Speed said.
Speed stepped outside onto his porch to see what rattled his house.
“Saw two guys jumping out of the car, running to the corner,” Speed said.
Speed says a third guy was rummaging through the car.
“I said, 'Hey is this your car,' he said, 'No, it’s my cousin’s car,' he picked up a hat and he left too,” Speed said.
Police records show the car owner went to District 4 police to report he’d been carjacked.
According to those records, it happened that same Sunday, about 45 minutes before the explosion and crash.
That carjacking report was filed with police about six hours after the explosion.
According to the report, the victim told police he arraigned to meet a woman he was talking to on Instagram at East 130th and Abell.
He said two guys opened his car door, punched him in the face and took off in his car. Police recall the victim having scratches and marks on his forehead and hands.
Days after the explosion, News 5 returned to the apartment building as mourners offered prayers to those who lost everything.
For Tyrone and Andre Wilson, the explosion killed their mother.
April Yarbrough was just getting reacquainted with Cleveland.
"Whatever they were doing, they shouldn't have been doing it, and it cost me my mother's life,” said Yarbrough’s son Andre Wilson.
At last check, Cleveland police didn’t have an update on the case.
The prosecutor’s office says it hasn’t been sent to their office.
The Wilson brothers want answers, and so does Speed.
“I would like to know if they caught them, you know, somebody died here. I would just like to know somebody paid for it,” Speed said.
In the carjacking report, the victim couldn’t identify his attackers.
In the explosion report, it was noted a gun found near the scene was swabbed for DNA.
But again, no suspects have been identified, arrested or charged.