LAKEWOOD, Ohio — After years of waiting, Lakewood City Council passed the next steps of downtown redevelopment at the location of the former Lakewood Hospital — or, as residents call it, "The Pit."
Last night, Lakewood City Council essentially passed a three-item package that would approve the redevelopment of the former Lakewood Hospital.
The first item allows the 5.7-acre lot off Detroit Avenue, near Belle, to be rezoned. The second approves an agreement with the Columbus-based developer Casto, Inc. The third is a compensation agreement with the schools because, once redeveloped, the land will start producing tax revenue.
The $115 million mixed-use project will include 298 apartment units, 20% of which will be affordable housing, as well as seven town homes. There will be 567 parking spaces as well as 25,000 square foot retail space and a 17,000 square foot community public plaza. The city says the goal with the design is to promote walkability and vitality in the area.
The fenced-in green space became an eyesore for residents after years of failed development plans following the demolition of the former Lakewood hospital in 2019.
During the meeting, council opened the floor for public comment. Two people spoke regarding the redevelopment. One, like many in Lakewood, was still angry about the hospital's closure; the other was excited for what’s next.
“Some of you on that council ran off our largest employer of the hospital system. So, when you say, well, we weren't getting any revenue from it, that's not truthful. That's just a lie. We're getting doctors and nurses and janitors income taxes. Now we're going to get a, a 30,000 square foot pizza or another bar,” said one speaker.
“We get that cities and neighborhoods are dynamic places, the people and businesses are constantly evolving. Business space needs and resident tastes change over time, and while it was disappointing to lose Lakewood hospital, the fact is there is now what I see as a viable plan to do something new and to do something fresh,” said another.
The development plan was sent to the city council on November 18 after it was approved by the Planning Commission and Architectural Review Board.
RELATED: Former Lakewood hospital space in final steps before breaking ground
News 5 spoke to Lakewood Mayor Meghan George, who was optimistic about the next steps, stating no development had made it this far. On Monday night, the city council proved her right.
Said Lakewood City Council member Tom Bullock: “This is not a giveaway for some affluent corporation, but it's a way to get a quality development right in the heart of our downtown and new neighbors who will be a part of us as shoppers, as new residents, as people who participate in our street festivals and pay into the common fair share."
Before the ground can be broken, there are still some permits and steps the developer must take. The hope is the city can break ground before the end of next year.