SOLON, Ohio — News 5 continues to Follow-Through and track the ongoing efforts to find more school bus drivers.
RELATED: Solon City Schools fills bus driver positions; still needs substitutes
A nationwide shortage has impacted districts across the country for the last several years.
The Solon City School District is one of countless districts working to bridge the gap.
They're hosting a second annual "test drive a bus" event this Saturday at 9 a.m. at Parkside Elementary to find prospective candidates.
Between retirements and lifestyle changes, they are actively working to recruit and train the next class of drivers ahead of the 2025-2026 school year.
"It doesn't feel like work to me. I love coming to my job. It's fun. I look forward to it each day," Colleen Hall, a Solon City School District bus driver and On-Boarding Instructor, said.
Hall is sharing her passion and hoping others will consider sliding into the driver seat and take a chance on a new career.
"It's really rewarding watching them (the kids) grow and seeing the things they accomplish through the years. And sometimes you have an impact on them," Hall said.
The Solon area grandmother of two and 25-year veteran bus driver says she feels most at home behind the wheel of her bus.
She's one of the on-boarding instructors who will help applicants navigate an enclosed route at this weekend's Solon City School District's "You're In the Driver's Seat - Test Drive a Solon School Bus Event."
From which mirrors to use—to turn by turn guidance—she says she's there to support.
"People see this big monstrosity coming at them, and they're like—oh my goodness! But once they sit in it and take a few turns with it—they're like that wasn't so bad," Hall said.
Transportation officials say it comes at a critical time—with upcoming retirements.
Roughly 3,500 of the district's 4,600 students rely on busing each and every day to transport students along their 44 routes.
But they also need additional assistance during after-school hours.
"With extracurriculars that we have-- we have lots of athletic teams, academic clubs that are very successful. We want to be able to transport them," Lisa Shirkey, Transportation Supervisor at the Solon City School District, said.
Shirkey says last year's event was a godsend, and thanks to the turnout, transportation services were not decreased.
Thirty people test drove buses.
They successfully trained and hired five drivers who have succeeded with the gig.
They hope to hire five to 10 more drivers and train and certify candidates before next school year.
"Parents, retirees, anybody looking for a second career would be great. It's built on split shifts. We have many on staff who own their own businesses and this helps them because it's part time work with full time benefits," Shirkey said.
You must be at least 21 years old and have a clean record. Pre-registered drivers should bring their license and arrive 10 minutes prior to their scheduled time slot.
You can also walk-in.
Solon City Schools will pay for your training.
If you're looking for full-time work, Shirkey says the district will allow drivers to also work in the schools during the middle portion of the day.
The starting rate is $19.77 an hour. Drivers with top experience could earn $26.45 an hour.
-To register for this weekend's event, click here.
-To apply for bus driving jobs in the district, click here.