Sherice Snowden said the last time she spoke to her son was June 17. He never returned home from a party in the Fleet and Gertrude Avenues area in Cleveland's Slavic Village neighborhood. Friday, Snowden made another plea for tips on the whereabouts of her son, who has been missing for nearly five months.

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Friday news conference
Snowden told reporters she needs to know where her son is. Through tears, she spoke directly to her son.
"I just miss waiting for you to walk through that door (and) taking you to boxing practice. I miss your smile. I want to hear your voice. Keshaun, if you see this, please come home. I love you. I'm waiting for you because I know you're going to walk through that door," she said.

Slyvia Colon, co-founder of the Cleveland Family Center for Missing Children and Adults, was also at the news conference.
"We have a lot of missing people, and Keshawn is a great kid. And he's loved not only by his mom but his entire family and his friends and his extended family, and they just want him to come home," Colon said.
Wednesday was Snowden's birthday. Her wish was for her son to come home safely.
The investigation
Williams was reported missing on June 20. Cleveland Police and the U.S. Marshals Service are on the case. There's still an active Amber Alert for Williams—the longest the state of Ohio has seen.
Days after Williams was reported missing, his mother told News 5 that police told her gang members were at the party her son was at and gave him alcohol. She said Williams is not a troublemaker and never missed church or boxing classes.
A reward in the case has now grown to $22,500. Tips can be made anonymously to Cleveland Police at 216-623-5400.