Refine Church in Cleveland was burglarized numerous times in September. And during the burglaries, a suspect stole toys that were being collected for kids for Christmas.
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However, Bins and Things has stepped up to help improve the holidays for kids in Northeast Ohio.
The business donated about $2,000 worth of toys to the church to replace what was stolen.
“I called my partner, I was just like, ‘Hey, what do you think, let’s just help him out,’ and he was like, ‘There’s no question," Ryan Ghanem, the owner, Bins and Things in North Olmsted said.
A local Jeep group, the Jeepitos Lokos, also donated. The club came through with bags and boxes filled with toys.
“It comes from within. We want to be the difference, I mean, like… you gotta do it,” Bryan Armando with the Jeepitos Lokos said.
Ghanem said with current economic conditions, he wants to give shoppers a break. He'll offer sales at all three Bins and Things locations from Thursday to Sunday.
“You know, again, [we] just try to be the people that we want to be in our community,” Ghanem said.
Pastor Luis Viscarrando with Refine Church said the toys will be given out on Christmas Eve.
“Even with the smallest of gestures of gifts, it makes all the difference, not just for the families, but with the children, too," Viscarrando said. "Because they see that somebody cares. There’s compassion toward them.”