AKRON, Ohio — A massive apartment complex in Akron, which is no stranger to problems, is dealing with another issue.
Tuesday evening at the Timber Top Apartments in Akron, Kathryn Radonich said she was walking down her steps just like she does every day when something far from the norm happened.

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"I just got home from work, had pizza in my hand as well as a couple bags of groceries, so I walked down these steps, took one step onto the fourth or fifth step, and they just gave out," said Radonich.
Three steps fell out of the frame, and Kathryn went down with them.
"I was surprised and scared, a little banged up, but not anything too serious," said Radonich.
Radonich said she and her partner had been having issues with the stairs and that maintenance came early Tuesday to fix the problem, but it's apparent something wasn't repaired correctly.
"It could've been much worse; I'm just glad it wasn't my pregnant girlfriend or the kid," said Radonich.
This is one of several stair-related issues; just a few buildings over from Kathryn and her partner, the stairs to another building collapsed.
The Timber Top Apartment's property management confirmed the collapse happened Sunday, and the man walking down the stairs at the time was hospitalized; neighbors said his injuries are extensive.
"I am very concerned because I really don't want anyone else to get hurt here; we already had someone die of carbon monoxide poisoning. The building that was on fire is literally right across the street from me," said Ashley Pfouts.
That deadly carbon monoxide leak plus other issues are all things News 5 has reported on extensively since October of last year. Wednesday, we found the stairs in both buildings were repaired.
But it still doesn't give residents like Colton Reed any peace. Reed said he and his neighbors have been complaining about consistent maintenance issues, including the problems with the stairs, for months.
"I want to see accountability on the property management level for their actions for failure to upkeep; I want to see AIY company who owns the company to take responsibility," said Reed.