OAK HARBOR, Ohio — Brick by brick, Victor Harder's life is getting pieced back together at 89 years old.
“We are moving right along,” said Harder. “I'm happy.”
New 5’s Bryn Caswell has been following Harder's journey since the E2 tornado hit Oak Harbor back in June. She was there for the teardown, followed through with cleanup and is back for the rebuild.

We don’t just report the initial story—we follow through to its conclusion. Read and watch our previous reporting on this story below and see more stories that we've followed through on here.
“It's almost 6 months,” said Harder. “It's moving slow but sure, but that's ok. I got time.”
So much progress has been made over the last five months. The roof is now back on, installation and electricity are in place, new windows are installed, and the new brick is currently going up.
“I am just wondering how these guys can stay out in this cold weather and keep working like they do,” said Harder.
With anything in life, some good can come from the bad. For Harder, the tornado allowed him to start fresh, add on some new windows, and even a soon-to-be-mounted TV.
“I am putting the TV up there up top, then I am putting an elective fireplace down below,” Harder added.
He doesn't want to forget the past through. He kept an original brick from his home and added it to the new. A reminder of his resiliency.
Harder sees the silver lining in all of this, and it’s the fact he survived.
“The good lord watched over me, that's all I can say,” said Harder. “I feel fine. I am still moving around I am on the right side of the grass.”
Harder is still determined to move back in by his 90th birthday in April.
“I think it will be done before April, I think in February we will be moving in,” said Harder.