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Ohio girl recreates Gov. DeWine’s coronavirus briefing with Legos

Lego DeWine
Posted 5:45 PM, Apr 03, 2020
and last updated 5:45 PM, Apr 03, 2020

SYLVANIA, Ohio — A 12-year-old Toledo girl recreated her family’s daily ritual of watching Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine’s daily news conferences on coronavirus with Legos in stunning detail, right down to the sign language interpreter and bottles of hand sanitizer.

Erinn Verkennes, who lives in Sylvania, a suburb of Toledo, watches the daily briefing with her family every day, as they are all together working and going to school from home, says her mom Meg Elizabeth. This is her Easter break week, so Elizabeth wanted to find a fun and challenging project for Erinn to tackle.

And tackle it she did – her Lego scene includes a near-perfect rendition of the daily briefings from the Ohio Statehouse, including the state flag, DeWine behind the podium, Ohio Department of Health Director Dr. Amy Acton ready to deliver her presentation, Lt. Gov. Jon Husted on DeWine’s left, and even sign language interpreter Marla Berkowitz in her own on-screen box. The Lego figures are of course socially distanced to scale (about 6 inches apart, by the looks of it), and there are two large bottles of hand sanitzer in view.

But that’s not all – Erinn even included her family watching the news conference, and from the looks of their coffee table, the family is well-stocked for weeks to come.

Erinn’s awesome Lego scene even caught the attention of the governor, who commented on Facebook: “Very creative! Great job, Erinn!”