

NYT says Tamir would be alive if he was white


'Cleveland's Terrible Stain' is the title of the editorial released by the New York Times on Tuesday regarding the Tamir Rice case. 

The editorial begins with this statement:

Tamir Rice of Cleveland would be alive today had he been a white 12-year-old playing with a toy gun in just about any middle-class neighborhood in the country on the afternoon of Nov. 22, 2014.

The article continued, stating Tamir's misfortune was being black and poor in a city with police that have a history of misbehavior. 

The New York Times said Tamir's death was portrayed as a result of a tragic misunderstanding by the police department and the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's Office after a Grand Jury decided to not indict the two officers involved in his fatal shooting.

Officials found a way to shift the blame for Tamir's death onto the 12-year-old himself, the New York Times said. 

To read the full editorial, visit

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