

San Bernardino officer doesn't feel like a hero


An officer who told people that "I'll take a bullet before you do, that's for damn sure" as he led them to safety out of the Inland Regional Center following the mass shooting in San Bernardino said he did what anyone else in his position would do, ABC News reports.

“[It was] nothing short of what any other person in law enforcement would do,” Detective Jorge Lozano, the 15-year veteran, said on Tuesday night. “I don’t feel like a hero whatsoever. Any of the 300 people who were there would have said the same thing.”

Video of Lozano's "I'll take a bullet for you" remark has since gone viral.

Lozano described the moment he arrived on the scene as “crazy” because he and the officers “didn’t know what was going on.”


Fourteen people were killed and another 21 injured when Syed Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, stormed into the Inland Regional Center and opened fire on December 2.

More than 300 officers from several local agencies responded to the scene last Wednesday, San Bernardino County Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said this evening.

The first group of officers to enter the building knew they wouldn’t have cover, said Lt. Mike Madden of the San Bernardino Police Department, who was among the first on the scene.

“I would be lying if I said it wasn’t difficult, walking up to those doors,” Madden said. “But we knew we had to get in and save them.”

When more officers arrived to the scene, Madden said he assembled a team to enter the building.