Thirty-nine years ago, we were caught up in “Star Wars” fever.
The science fiction movie was released in May of that year. Its storyline, characters and groundbreaking special effects opened a new era for the film genre.
This week, the Force awakens with the seventh installment of the science fiction series.
Our archives contain very few items pertaining to the Star Wars craze, but one item there was so odd, I couldn’t resist posting it.
Darth Vader appeared at a local mall and it appears he was more popular than Santa.
Dec. 3, 1977, Darth Vader in all his evilness was mobbed by shoppers and gawkers at Euclid Square Mall.
He gave out autographs, posed for pictures and waved to the crowd; very un-Vader-like behavior for the galaxy’s nemesis. Also strange is the storm trooper accompanying him, she was wearing a very short skirt.
Enjoy and may the Vault be with you.