CLEVELAND — What is the hardest thing you have ever had to do? That simple question is the premise behind a popular storytelling project in Cleveland, which has resulted in hundreds of responses from folks of all ages and from all backgrounds.
The project was started by Allison Meyer and is called “Never, Ever Give Up.”
Meyer started the project last fall, a few years after her mother died in a traffic accident. It began as a way for her to cope with her grief.
“And when I finally told my story, I realized that I could connect with people in a way that I never thought was possible,” Meyer said.
The stories are handwritten on a single page, answering the question “What is the hardest thing you have ever had to do?”

The stories are submitted online or at various events, and posted to the Never Give Up CLE Instagram page.
This weekend, an art installation is going up in Hart Crane Park near Merwin’s Wharf that will feature dozens of the stories that have been submitted — along with a bright yellow mailbox where folks can respond with “Letters of Hope.”
“Everytime I read one of the stories, I’m absolutely amazed by how strong people are,” Meyer said.
You can read some of the stories below: