

200 days to Republican National Convention, Cleveland prepares for big year ahead

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There may not be a big outdoor celebration in Cleveland this year to welcome in 2016, but rest assured there will be plenty of celebrating in 2016 itself.

New Year's Eve marks the 200-day mark in the countdown to the start of the Republican National Convention in July.


"I think we feel great about the hotels, we feel great about the venues, a lot of marketing and communication," said David Gilbert, President & CEO of the local Host Committee. "We're up to already nearly 4,000 volunteers that have registered, now we need more. Our fundraising is on track."

Also on track are local construction projects like Public Square and the new Hilton Convention Center Hotel, projects that have created jobs well in advance of the convention that is expected to have an estimated economic impact of $200 to $250 million on the region.

The host committee has also had around 1,400 local businesses sign up to be on their list of preferred vendors. "We're hearing some great, at least anecdotal, feedback from a number of those folks that they have gotten contacted, that they are getting business."


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