
Getting back to work: Here's how to make your resume stand out in a sea of applications

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CLEVELAND — As Northeast Ohio rebounds, News 5 is helping you do the same. If you are currently looking for work, we want to help you to get that job.

We asked the president of, based in Canton, for some tips with writing a resume.

"When you're writing a resume, you should make it specific for each job," said Doug Crawford.

His website helps entry-level job seekers find employment opportunities and hiring resources.

Crawford says just like before the pandemic, an on-point resume is still your most important tool. He says it should start with a one or two-sentence objective statement.

"I would definitely say, 'this is what I’d like to do with your company.'"

Then, he says list your qualifications with the key words hiring managers will be looking for that are specific to the job you’re applying to.

"For instance, if you’re going to work as a cashier then say 'I'm good with money,'" said Crawford.

He said the qualifications section should be kept to one paragraph and can be in sentence form.

Next, relevant experience.

"I would tailor that resume to that experience that pertains to the job your looking for,” he advised.

You can include education and work experience, just don’t go too far back.

Crawford said to keep your resume to one page and make sure there are no spelling errors.

Then, he said to throw it up on LinkedIn.

"Because that’s another great way to sell yourself," he said, and it's where a lot of companies are going nowadays to find people.

Next, he said get ready for a Zoom interview, or similar virtual chat, because companies are managing remotely right now.

"I would dress up as if you’re going to be there in person," he said. "The whole goal of an interview is to stand out among your competitors."

He said be honest, sell your strengths, never disparage a previous employer, and be able to answer one big question right now: Are you willing to work in this current environment?

"You might be dealing with fear, and certainly anxiety over coming back to work," he said.

Job hunting is stressful enough, but now a lot of people are having to do it during a pandemic where there are a lot of unknowns for both job seekers and companies.

Click here for links to job boards.