Position: Reporter
Covers: Crime, courts and the Black community
Email: remi.murrey@wews.com
Twitter: @rmurreytv
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rmurrey
Hometown: Detroit
Education: University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
Previous Work Experience: WLUC TV6 in Marquette, MI
Mid – Michigan NOW (NBC25/FOX66) in Flint, MI
Joined News 5: August 2022
Organizations/Affiliations: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., The National Association of Black Journalists
Most Memorable Stories: The Upper Peninsula’s Winter snowstorm the day before Thanksgiving, Tv6’s live coverage report of being the first area in Michigan to reopen bars and restaurants in Spring 2020, Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s official announcement to reopen bars and restaurants across the state at a press conference in Midland, MI in June 2021, the Flint Water Crisis, the Edenville and Sanford Dam Failures, the Oxford High School Mass Shooting, Deadly Hogarth Street House explosion in Flint
Awards/Honors: 2019 Michigan Association of Broadcasters Best News Reporter for DMA (designated marketing area)
News Philosophy: I don’t really have a news philosophy, but I do believe God has a special way of working everything out to bring to light the people and those stories that need to be told.
Role Model: The parentals. I wouldn’t be half the woman I am today without their contributions and sacrifices.
Favorite Sports Teams: Wolverines… GO BLUE!
Favorite Music: R&B, Hip Hop and Rap and Gospel
Favorite Movie: The Temptations, ATL, The Conjuring, Insidious, The Halloween Series
Favorite Program: The Office, The Parkers, Big Mouth, Scooby Doo, and SpongeBob (I’m a kid at heart)
Favorite Food: CHICKEN! (Looking for all recommendations PLEASE)
Family: One younger brother, two loving parents, one very special god-mommy and a host of grandparents, aunties uncles and cousins
Pet: Gracie Marie Murrey: My most annoying yet bestest furrreeend!
Hobbies & Interests: Sleeping (LOL), working out/ running, cooking and exploring new restaurants, hanging with my friends and family and I am interested in perfecting my roller-skating skills.
You're most likely to see me around town at: Eating
Hidden Talent: I think I could’ve been an actress because I’m very dramatic.
What I like best about Northeast Ohio: The variety of restaurants, living close to Lake Erie and the different entertainment options the city has to offer
On the weekends I love to: EXPLORE, EAT AND HAVE FUN! Since this is my first time in a new state and a major city outside Detroit, I’m looking forward to seeing what the area has to offer as well as building my community.