

What would a Cleveland Indians World Series celebration look like?

and last updated

With the Tribe just one win away from World Series victory, fans in Cleveland are hoping the team does it all at home Tuesday night. 

And if we learned anything from our World Champion Cavaliers, it's that this city knows how to celebrate. 

So News 5 sent Tara Molina to find out if any celebration plans are in the works at Cleveland's City Hall.

Cleveland city councilman Tony Brancatelli told News 5 city officials are not talking celebration quite yet.

"We certainly would not be telling anyone we are having a parade. Why give the other team billboard material?" he said. 

But Brancatelli said that doesn't mean they aren't ready. 

"We are well prepared to handle any event that walks into town," he said. Adding that the city learned from hosting 1.3 million people during the Cavaliers celebration parade. 

"We can see things to tweak, when we talk about barricades. Rest stops. And having vendors and merchants prepared," he said. 

The focus now? 

"We've got a game to play. That's when we are going to let people know. After we win."