

LeBron James goes on Twitter rant over fans burning jerseys


LeBron James is letting his thoughts about fans burning jerseys be known on Twitter.

James took to social media on Thursday to go on a rant after Celtics fans posts videos burning the jersey of Isaiah Thomas.

It's something the four-time MVP is taking personally. After all, Cleveland fans did the same thing to his jerseys when he announced in 2010 that he was 'taking his talents to South Beach'. It's a moment in Cavaliers history that's still a soft spot for some fans.

After weeks of speculation during trade talks, it was made official that Kyrie Irving would be heading to the Boston Celtics and Isaiah Thomas would be joining the Cavaliers.

RELATED:LeBron James takes high road after hearing Kyrie Irving will head to the Celtics

James posted a series of five tweets addressing his response to the burning of jerseys.